Economy version of mechanical eyelet buttonhole machine that includes many features associated with higher priced machines available in the market. The S-100 mechanical eyelet buttonhole machine provides the user with excellent value and is offered in the widest range of models including the round eyelet. Buttonhole length, eye/no eye buttonhole and type of buttonhole finishing can be rapidly changed with the replacement of a small pattern cam. All cams are supplied with the mechanical eyelet buttonhole machine as standard. Selection of buttonhole cutting is simply and quickly done by using two levers. The mechanical eyelet buttonhole machine is sewing open, flybar, cross bar buttonholes with or without the eye, 2-7 mm round eyelet buttonholes at the speed of 1750 spm. The regular buttonhole length is adjustable between 10-32 mm depending on the garment manufacturers’ requirements and the machine model.
S-100 Download: | Product catalog | Video in video format wmv | Technical Specifications | Sewing pattern |
Sections: | S-100 : Home | Hlavní funkce | Available Models and Applications | Optional Accessories | S 100 Overview | |
Velikost dírky, typ očka (dírka s očkem, bez očka) a zakončení dírky (otevřený konec, příčná nebo podélná závorka) lze velice rychle změnit pouhou výměnou vzorové vačky. Při změně velikosti dírky, je také nutné přenastavit délku měrky. Tato měrka je podobná měrce používané na strojích S-101 a S-104.
Stroj S-100 šije rychlostí až 1 750 stehů/min a průměrná produktivita běhěm 8-mi hodinové směny je 3 200 knoflíkových dírek. Denní produktivita u modelů RDE (052, 053) je okolo 5 700.
Volba typu průseku tj. se je sekání před, sekání po ušití knoflíkové dírky anebo volba dírky bez průseku je velmi rychlá a jednoduchá a to za pomocí dvou pák. Stejný mechanismus se používá i na strojích řady S-101 a S-104.
All S-100 models provide our customers with a wide range of buttonholes ranging from basic adjustable flybar and open end to the cross bar and round eyelet. Please refer to the “Available models & Applications” and “Technical specifications” for more detailed information.
The Roller Activated Stop Motion reliably positions the brake pad for a full revolution of braking every time. By absorbing much of the inertia prior to the stop, the life of the machine is prolonged and quality problems, such as double stops, are virtually eliminated.
The machine spends more time sewing since components like fly over and the eccentric are no longer needed and fewer adjustments are required. This stop motion is also used on our finest eyelet buttonhole machine S-104.
The S-100 is equipped with a full drip oil wick lubrication system. By using wicks to carry oil to the critical parts of the machine, oiling is easier and less time consuming
The advantage of this system is that it eliminates periodic oiling downtime, reduces maintenance expenses and prolongs the machine life.
An oil level indicator shows the operator or mechanic when the machine is low on oil, protecting the machine from severe damage that can be caused by running a machine without the minimum required oil.
Sections: | S-100 : Home | Hlavní funkce | Available Models and Applications | Optional Accessories | S 100 Overview | |
Sections: | S-100 : Home | Hlavní funkce | Available Models and Applications | Optional Accessories | S 100 Overview | |
Please click on the following links for more details on accessories: Knive, Cam, Cutting Steel, Looper and Spreader
Please click on the following links for more details on accessories: Knive, Cutting Steel, Looper and Spreader.
Please click here for recommended clamp feet and throat plates according to material type.
Sections: | S-100 : Home | Hlavní funkce | Available Models and Applications | Optional Accessories | S 100 Overview | |